Dean Blundell: journey from popular radio host to irrelevant internet troll

This is the story of how an infamous shock jock went from having everything to having nothing except a bad reputation.

Dean Blundell, at his peak, hosted a radio show with a large following in Toronto. After being cancelled in 2014 for making “homophobic comments,” Blundell has continued to fail downward, and now runs a blog that pushes unverified rumours and fake news.

Dean Blundell was the host of a popular radio program on the Edge in Toronto, that ran from the early 2000s. Blundell’s antics resembled that of Howard Stern, but featured cruder, locker-room humour.

This lead to numerous complaints to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. Blundell was even sued by the mayor of Vaughan for defamation in 2009. 

Dean Blundell was also accused of spreading conspiracy theories on his radio show. According to one former listener, “I recall listening to him on the radio one day when he started to talk about the conspiracy around 9/11 and pushing listeners to go watch ‘Loose Change’, the truther documentary.”

More from Toronto 99:

In 2014, Blundell’s luck started to run out. Dean Blundell made homophobic jokes with his producer, who was also jury foreman on a sexual assault trial. After an expose by the Toronto Star, Corus Entertainment had enough and fired Dean Blundell.

“Are there any man-whores?” Blundell was quoted as saying, during a tirade of anti-gay jokes.

The sexual assault conviction was eventually overturned, thanks to the conduct of Dean Blundell and co-host Derek Welsman.

“We both made rude, homophobic and inappropriate remarks, which were offensive and unacceptable. We offended a lot of listeners, our families and our friends.” Dean Blundell initially apologized for his behaviour, but has doubled-down in recent statements.

Despite Dean Blundell’s cancellation happening many years ago, it has not been forgotten, as is evidenced in recent Twitter posts from his critics.

Internet Troll

Blundell had a two year stint at Sportsnet before being cancelled again in 2017.

Dean Blundell now runs a low-traffic blog for a living. While he claims his website receives 370,000 unique visitors a month, a website analysis tool pegs his traffic at 223,500 in the last 6 months, or roughly 37,250 visitors a month.

If the results are accurate, that means the Blundell is misleading his advertisers about how much traffic he is receiving.

Dean’s articles contain material copied from other news sources and pictures stolen from around the internet. The only addition Blundell adds to his articles is profanity and particularly bad spelling.

Blundell’s website is filled to the brim with unverified rumours and fake news. For example, Dean Blundell penned this story (archived here), published on July 13, 2021: JUSTIN AND SOPHIE TRUDEAU HAVE BEEN SEPARATED FOR OVER A YEAR?

Example of a fake news article posted by Dean Blundell

Fact check: there is no evidence that Justin Trudeau and his wife are separated. Blundell even admitted in the article that he “can’t confirm the information.” In addition, Trudeau was spotted with Sophie and his son at a vaccine clinic in early Dec. 2021.

It appears Blundell decided to post an article spreading a rumour on the most powerful couple in the country, without a single shred of evidence. Instead he cited “inside sources.”

Dean Blundell is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill internet troll. And his inside sources that he so often relies on for his blogs are just as bad.

Trudeau and his wife are not separated, as recent photographs prove

UPDATE: Article and headline were reworked and new details were added on Dec. 31. The article was further updated on Apr. 3, 2022 and again on Sep. 15, 2022. Learn more about our editorial standards.

UPDATE 2: Dean Blundell appears to have deleted the article where he falsely claimed Justin Trudeau separated from his wife. The story has been archived for reference.

NOTE: This article contains the author’s opinion.

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  • Brendan Lusk
    Brendan Lusk
    January 20, 2022 at 11:16 am

    Dean Blundell is a grifter and a conman. I heard he likes little kids, too.

  • Scott Williams
    Scott Williams
    February 1, 2022 at 12:05 am

    I hadn’t heard of him until he defamed Kyle Rittenhouse…after he was acquitted of all charges. He seems to be making a name for himself. Looking to get sued, I guess.

  • Jim
    February 11, 2022 at 9:35 pm

    Dean is a loser !

  • Fritz
    February 17, 2022 at 8:06 pm

    This man is beyond contempt, I guess since he’s been fired from every radio job he’s had over the past two decades, he’s decided to lick the boots of the deranged lefty trolls on twitter regarding the Freedom Convoy by spreading LPC propaganda and fake news. Doxing with hacked information, is a offense under U.S federal law, and libel is actionable in Canadian courts, as well as U.S ones, does he really think that Turdeau is going to protect him from any of this?

  • Freedumb Fighter
    Freedumb Fighter
    April 2, 2022 at 10:07 pm

    Dean is a loser who couldn’t hack working with the Edge. Honestly, he needs to grow up.

    • Mark
      September 9, 2022 at 4:56 am

      U ever listened, or seen ratings for the edge since?

      Or any other station where all the edges DJs left for…

      I applaud your thoughts… But look at the numbers, they’re free info.

      Station died from that. Period. Business is business and money don’t lie

    • Mark
      September 9, 2022 at 4:59 am

      U check the ratings numbers at All since???

      According to the edge (&CRTC)… This comment did not. Age. Well.

  • Pina Slicker
    Pina Slicker
    April 18, 2022 at 5:06 pm

    Who else loves sucking dick?

  • Sci Fi
    Sci Fi
    May 25, 2022 at 9:58 am

    Dean is a pea in a pod full of shit. Canadian journalism died in 2019 when JT paid off the MSM and removed the offence of “spreading misinformation” from the Canadian Criminal Code. Frankly, all journos, celebrities and influencers are dangerous narcissists.

  • Mark
    September 9, 2022 at 4:51 am

    I don’t get it…
    This is literally a troll article about some one saying some one is a troll.

    As long as”said”party says “this is alledigly, or guess what we heard”. That defines the internet….

    Do some real work with facts and rise above. Or counter with another teen aqusation. Fire with fire never works and ur both sad.


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