Olivia Chow, lead contender for Toronto’s mayor, is a Chinese asset – reports

The widow of the late Jack Layton may be a bit closer to Communist China than most people realize.

Olivia Chow is leading the polls to be next mayor of Toronto. Chow has a strong lead over former police chief Mark Saunders, according to a recent poll by Forum Research.

Chow is also linked to the Chinese Communist Party via a group called the Fu Qing Business Association, according to activist Karen Woods.

Woods recently slammed Chow on Twitter for associating with the group, writing:

“Olivia Chow met with Fu Qing Business Association, seeking their support in this mayoral by-election. The same people that operated police stations in the GTA. So this is someone who wants to defund our own police while cozying up to China’s police.”

Woods’ accusations formed the centre-piece of an article by True North. A recent piece by journalist Noah Jarvis was titled: Olivia Chow accused of meeting with group allegedly linked to Chinese police stations

In response to the news article, one concerned Twitter user stated that “any politician with ties to the CCP should be investigated and maybe [sent to] prison.”

As reporting on the Chinese interference scandal has shown, politicians from every level of government may have been compromised by Communist China, including the prime minister himself.

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