Gay people defend Danielle Smith after she poses with man wearing straight pride shirt

While Liberal commentators try to take the Alberta premier down a peg, gay men are lifting her back up.

Danielle Smith, the recently elected premier of Alberta, is taking heat from left-wing commentators on social media after she was pictured with a man wearing a “straight pride” T-shirt.

The picture was taken over the weekend while Smith was attending the Calgary stampede. The shirt reads “thank a straight person for your existence.”

In response to the picture, rabid leftists used the image to attack the premier, labelling her as “homophobic.”

However, not everybody agrees that the T-shirt was inappropriate, and some gay men actually approve of the shirt’s message.

I’m gay and I see nothing wrong with this. It’s factually correct,” wrote Twitter user Jack Dan. And he’s not the only self-described gay man to speak out in support of Smith.

The Albertan premier previously spoke up in support of Pride. Furthermore, she claims she didn’t read the T-shirt before posing for the picture.

Politicians take pictures with a lot of people at events, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that this was an honest mistake by Smith.

Either way, the shirt is factually accurate. It is impossible for gay couples to produce offspring, regardless of what the left wants you to believe.

Pierre Poilievre was also pictured with the same man. Like Smith, Poilievre supports gay pride. However, he skipped a Pride event on Parliament Hill, claiming he was too busy “fighting inflation.”

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