England moves to DEPORT Hamas supporters – Telegraph

Unlike Trudeau’s Canada, Great Britain has little patience for supporters of Islamic terrorism.

Are you an outspoken supporter of Hamas or Hezbollah terrorism? In Canada, you could earn yourself a full scholarship at a prestigious university for expressing support for Islamic terrorists.

However, the government of England has other plans, and is moving to deport immigrants that praise terrorist group Hamas, as was reported by the Telegraph:

Foreign students, academics and workers who commit anti-Semitic acts or praise Hamas face being expelled from Britain under plans being drawn up by the Home Office.

Robert Jenrick, the immigration minister, has commissioned officials in the department to consider how they could revoke visas on national security grounds where there is evidence of discrimination or support for the terror group in the wake of its attack on Israel.

It follows a similar move by Gérald Darmanin, France’s interior minister, who has ordered that all foreigners who commit anti-Semitic acts be expelled from the country immediately. Three have already been thrown out of France.

The UK can revoke visas for students, workers and visitors on national security grounds or if it is judged conducive to the public good to do so, provided there is “proportionate” evidence.

Vice-chancellors have already warned students that they face criminal investigations if they express support for Hamas terrorists following Saturday’s incursion.

Read the full article by Charles Hymas of the Telegraph here.

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