Deportations up 30% in Germany as government gets tough on foreign crime

Unlike the Canadian government, the Germans will not tolerate foreigners that break the rules.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has vowed to take a tougher stance on immigrants that commit crimes in the country.

This includes deporting troublesome immigrants back to countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, which was previously forbidden.

Germany’s interest in security outweighs the offender’s interest in protection,” Chancellor Scholz was quoted as saying by Politico.

The comments come after a German police officer was viciously murdered by an 25-year old Afghan migrant. The man was living in the country illegally after his asylum claim was denied.

Deportations were already on the rise in Germany, with the country deporting 30% more immigrants this year than last year, according to the blog InfoMigrants.

While Canada does have a process for deporting immigrants that come to the country illegally or commit crimes while living here, the system has been criticized by Conservative MPs as being ineffective, as was previously reported by Toronto 99.

Further, Justin Trudeau‘s government has launched a program that will allow illegal immigrants in Canada to become citizens, despite the fact they chose not to follow the rules.

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