‘Kill me first’: Jordan Peterson rejects Trudeau’s call for a booster shot

Mark Slapinski

Jordan Peterson is trending on Twitter after rejecting prime minister Justin Trudeau’s call for Canadians to take a booster shot during Christmas. Peterson responded to Trudeau late Friday night stating that Trudeau would have to kill him first.

As the Omicron COVID-19 variant makes it way across the world, experts are recommending people take a third vaccine shot to protect themselves. These calls were echoed by Canada’s prime minister on Wednesday when he stated, “If you’re taking care of some last-minute Christmas shopping this week, here’s something else you can add to your list: a booster. If you’re eligible for one but haven’t gotten it yet, please, do so now. And if you don’t have your first or second dose, now’s the time to get it.”

The famous university professor responded by saying “up yours Justin Trudeau. Seriously. You’d have to kill me first.” It is important to note that Jordan Peterson is double vaccinated.

As a result, Jordan Peterson was promptly labelled an “anti-vaxxer” by Globe and Mail columnist Andrew Coyne despite the fact he is double-vaccinated. Writer Tej Sahota weighed in, “the right wing boy genius would rather be killed first, than take a vaccine for a respiratory virus. Extreme galaxy brain at work here folks.”

Researchers have found that people who have received their booster shot are less likely to be hospitalized. According to the BBC, UK researchers determined a booster shot can provide around 85% protection against severe illness from Omicron. However, the protection is less than vaccines gave against earlier versions of Covid. Still, many people remain skeptical of the vaccine, and are refusing to take it.

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