Premier of British Columbia calls truckers stupid, tells them: ‘turn on your television’

Mark Slapinski

The Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, says he has no time for truckers headed to the capital of the province to protest mandates and other Covid restrictions. Instead, he advised truckers to “turn on your television and look at what’s happening in Ukraine.” British Columbia is one of the last provinces that still has a vaccine mandate.

Premier John Horgan stated Friday that he has “no time” for truckers and other Canadians that plan to drive to Victoria to protest the remaining mandates. Instead, he said he feels “sad” for them, and encouraged them to turn on their TVs instead. He described some of their planned actions as being stupid. Speaking to CFAX host Al Ferraby, the NDP Premier had a message for truckers:

“Turn on your television and look at what’s happening in Ukraine right now, go on the internet and do some research on the profound impacts of inequality in our societies around the world and then maybe you have something to get excited about.

If people want to drive around and honk their horns, then fill your boots. And at $2 a litre [for gas] that’s not only bad judgment, that’s stupidity.”

Naturally, Horgan’s statements were not taken well by opponents of vaccine mandates, and other Covid restrictions. One person slammed Horgan, speculating the Premier either has a “low IQ” or a complete lack of “morals.” Covid restrictions were implemented all over the world to curb the spread of COVID-19, with Canada having some of strictest and longest-lasting measures in the world. Critics have deemed these moves to be authoritarian, often putting the blame on Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government. It is important to note, a majority of Covid restrictions were imposed by provincial politicians, not federal leaders. Also, the United States’ Covid death rate per capita is much higher than Canada. Regardless, truckers and their supporters continue to protest.

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1 Comment

  • Taze Palmer
    Taze Palmer
    March 11, 2022 at 9:32 pm

    This poor excuse for a human needs to get out of this country and head to the ccp that he worships.


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