The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which relies on generous pay-outs from the taxpayer to function, has admitted to spreading disinformation on the Freedom Convoy.
The network confessed in a statement that it shared incorrect information about the source of the donations to the protesters. This isn’t the first time CBC has been caught disseminating false information.
According to Blacklock’s reporter, “the CBC has retracted another false Freedom Convoy story that suggested foreigners played a large role in the protest. The claim was made on a radio broadcast of The World This Hour, self-described as ‘Canada’s most trusted audio newscast.’”
In response, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant labelled CBC the “greatest source of fake news and disinformation” in Canada.
Philanthropist and oil-and-gas advocate Brett Wilson chimed in, suggesting CBC do a story about foreign funded eco-alarmism and eco-terrorism movements, adding that they collaborate to “fuck Canada.”
Toronto 99 has written about the CBC extensively, including its history of getting hit with defamation lawsuits, many of them resulting in hefty judgements.
In 2021, CBC was forced to pay $1.7 million to a man that had his life ruined by inaccurate and defamatory coverage by the network, after a judge ruled in his favour.
The network has long been the object of ire for Conservatives, many describe the network as “fake news.”
While not every story it publishes is fake, questions persist about its impartiality and credibility, considering that it is funded by the taxpayer via the Trudeau government.
I always believed the Freedom Convoy was a righteous venture. The biggest problem I found was not accenting that it was fighting against the MANDATE.
Citizens of Canada need to understand the difference between a mandate (enacted by an overzealous JT) and a law (enacted through a vote by our elected representatives).
Why don’t CBC and the other media receiving corporate welfare from the Liberals have to disclose their funding conflict of interests before every political story or opinion piece?
And why is the phrase ‘Prime Minister Zoolander’ banned at the CBC and Toronto Sun comment sections?
Five time libel loser Ezra Levant doesn’t get an opinion on truth 😂😂😂