REPORTS: Protesters plan to arrest Trudeau for treason on Canada Day

A group of protesters are preparing to do the deed and take the prime minister of Canada into custody.

Is it time to lock Trudeau up? According to a group of militant protesters, the answer to that question is yes.

A memo has been circulating on social media that states a group is preparing to protest at Parliament Hill and demand the arrest of Justin Trudeau by the RCMP.

In response, a group of Antifa are planning to counter-protest.

The convoy fash will be attempting to arrest Trudeau for treason,” a tweet posted by an Antifa member reads. “This has the potential to be really bad.”

Antifa is known for using violence against right-wing activists. Members of the group have used guns in the past. In 2020, an Antifa member killed a Trump supporter in Oregon.

UPDATE: The protest in question never happened. Read more about our editorial standards.

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1 Comment

  • Grumpy
    July 1, 2022 at 9:20 am

    Any world leader who no longer represents the people, rather instead accepts and executes orders from entities outside of the country and who are also non-citizens with no interest in the welfare of the country is a textbook definition of a traitor.
    The PM’s Office, including Justin Trudeau are all guilty of that. The WEF is NOT in charge of a sovereign country.


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