BUSTED: CBC caught twisting the truth on Covid-19

A former employee of Trudeau’s broadcaster has exposed how the network pushed fear-mongering Covid propaganda.

Marianne Klowak, a former journalist employed by CBC, has spilled the beans on how the media outlet operated during the Covid pandemic.

While testifying at the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), Klowak stated:

“I had witnessed in a very short time the collapse of journalism, news gathering, investigative reporting—and the way I saw it is that we were in fact pushing propaganda.

Not only had we shut down one side by silencing and discrediting anyone opposing the narrative, we had elevated and designated ourselves as gatekeepers of the truth.

We no longer believed our audience was capable of thinking for themselves.”

Klowak accused Trudeau’s broadcaster of downplaying the harms of lockdowns and refusing to report on vaccine injuries.

While vaccines are still considered safe and effective by health agencies across the world, there have been genuine cases of serious side-effects from the jab.

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1 Comment

  • Jill
    May 26, 2023 at 12:51 am

    Go PIERRE💙💙💙💙
    Time to oust the evil lying man parading as our PM.


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