Jeremy Mackenzie threatens to sue Ezra Levant for defamation

The man that threatened to rape Pierre Poilievre’s wife is threatening to sue the publisher of Rebel News for ‘defaming’ his character.

Jeremy Mackenzie, an anti-government extremist with a history of making anti-Semitic remarks, has announced that he plans on suing Ezra Levant for defamation.

Mackenzie posted a libel notice on his X (Twitter) page Monday evening that he alleges was delivered to Rebel News headquarters in Toronto.

The notice claims that certain statements Levant made in regards to Mackenzie and the ongoing “Coutts Four” case in Alberta were defamatory.

The Coutts Four case refers to an alleged plot to murder police officers in Alberta. Four men have been charged, and are in jail awaiting trial.

All of the men had connections to Jeremy Mackenzie and his organization “Diagolon.” It is unclear what remarks Mackenzie and his lawyer deem to be defamatory.

Lawney Rosebrook, a photographer and associate of Mackenzie’s, has initiated legal proceedings against the owner of Toronto 99. It is unclear who is funding Rosebrook.

Rosebrook is unemployed, and lives off government handouts via the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). His X (Twitter) account was suspended earlier in the year for violating the website’s terms and conditions.

A quick internet search links Rosebrook to Mackenzie and Diagolon.

Mackenzie has previously come under fire for threatening to rape Pierre Poilievre’s wife, leading to an investigation by the RCMP. The Diagolon leader is also facing multiple criminal charges in multiple Canadian provinces.

Despite having an audience of conservatives, Mackenzie has denounced Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, and instead shown support for PPC leader Maxime Bernier.

Earlier in the summer, Levant referred to Mackenzie as a “fed,” as was reported by Toronto 99.

Levant did not provide evidence for this claim, and Toronto 99 has been unable to independently verify these reports.

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