Trudeau government to give tax money to Hamas

After seeing the violence and destruction caused by Hamas terrorists in Israel, Trudeau wants to give more money to Palestine.

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government plans to send “humanitarian aid” to Palestine, despite the hundreds kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists in recent days.

Trudeau’s International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen has pledged that “no money [will go] into the hands of Hamas,” in a statement sent to the media.

However, critics remain unconvinced, and are worried that money sent to Palestine for humanitarian aid will likely be seized by Hamas and be used to fund further terrorist attacks.

In response to the news of humanitarian aid to Palestine, political commentator and publisher of the National Telegraph Daniel Bordman pointed out that Canadian tax money will likely fall into the hands of Hamas.

Hamas is the de facto authority in Gaza, and is present in the West Bank, according to a report by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Despite the best efforts of Western governments, any funds that are sent into either Gaza or the West Bank will likely be seized by Hamas.

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