Spencer Fernando SLAMS Doug Ford for firing MPP

Ford’s decision to kick his MPP out of caucus for having a ‘forbidden’ conversation is drawing scorn internationally.

Doug Ford, leader of the Ontario provincial Conservative Party, has booted MPP Goldie Ghamari out of caucus for exercising her right to free speech and having a conversation with controversial figure Tommy Robinson.

The move was met with scorn within Canada, and internationally, with many people condemning Ford’s move as heavy-handed and censorious.

Conservative blogger and commentator Spencer Fernando was one of them, writing an opinion piece about the premier and accusing him of adding to the “erosion” of Western civilization.

Make no mistake, Ford’s move is a cowardly one, and it represents a surrender to forces who are seeking to undermine Canada’s Western values and seeking to make Canada a ‘safe space’ for anti-Semites.

As an Iranian-Canadian, Ghamari represents an incredibly important perspective, with a connection to a nation that was ruined by Islamist fundamentalism.

The people of Iran have been brutally oppressed by the Islamic regime, and Iran has become one of the world’s leading sponsors of terrorism.

Yet, much of the Iranian population is very much pro-Western, and wishes to escape the clutches of the Islamic regime.

Thus, people like Ghamari add to the strength of Canada by defending freedom and democracy, and by warning us about what will happen if Islamic fundamentalists are not countered.

Read the full article by Spencer Fernando here.

Supporters of Goldie’s are organizing a protest at the Ontario Legislature next Wednesday. Toronto 99 plans to report on the event.

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