WINNING PLATFORM: Almost half of Canadians agree with Poilievre’s plan to defund the CBC

Defunding Trudeau’s broadcaster is not a fringe position according to a recent poll.

Pierre Poilievre is the lead contender for the prime minister’s office, and his plan to defund the CBC may be more popular than you think.

45% of Canadians believe that Trudeau’s broadcaster should be defunded in order to save taxpayers money, according to a survey by Spark Advocacy.

Notably, the highest support for defunding the CBC was from 18 – 29 year olds at 55%. Albertans have a strong distaste for Trudeau’s broadcaster with 57% of people surveyed saying they rather see it shut down.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, 67% of conservatives (CPC supporters) want to see CBC wiped out.

Poilievre has referred to the CBC as “Trudeau propaganda” and “not real news.”

The CBC receives over a billion dollars annually from the Canadian taxpayer, a number which continues to grow yearly thanks to the Trudeau government.

While Trudeau’s broadcaster claims editorial independence and has reported negatively on the prime minister, it has a history of spreading disinformation.

Multiple judges across Canada have signed off on hefty judgements against the CBC.

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