Jann Arden TRIGGERED by Danielle Smith’s picture with man in ‘straight pride’ T-shirt

The Canadian singer-songwriter is accusing the Albertan premier of being ‘insensitive.’

Jann Arden, a Canadian musician turned left-wing activist, threw a tantrum at Danielle Smith for being pictured with a man wearing a “straight pride” T-shirt.

The infamous photograph was taken while the premier was attending the Calgary Stampede last weekend.

Posting to her some 300,000 Twitter followers Thursday, Arden accused Smith of being a “drip.” The singer claims that “[Smith] shouldn’t be leading a parade, never mind a province.”

Smith has come under fire for the picture from left-wing media outlets and influencers alike.

Gay people have spoken out in support of Smith, as was previously reported by Toronto 99. Despite this, Smith apologized for the picture and stated she disagrees with the message.

Supporters of Smith blasted the decision to apologize, reminding her never to kowtow to the woke mob.

The left-wing media has continuously attacked Smith, even more so now that won the recent provincial election in Alberta.

The Albertan premier faces constant criticism for standing up to Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau by defending the province’s economic interests.

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  • andersm0
    July 15, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    Jann Arden is a small time entertainer. Her political opinions are automatically going to be far-left progressive. She’ll do and say whatever her industry tells her is the the opinion du jour.

    • Jimmy Brown
      Jimmy Brown
      July 22, 2023 at 9:12 am

      Jann the Man


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