Left-wing media TRIGGERED after Danielle Smith cancels child mutilation

It appears all Danielle Smith has to do to trigger the left is open her mouth and a meltdown ensues.

Alberta premier Danielle Smith has incurred the wrath of the left-wing media after vowing to ban gender surgeries for children and other woke policies popularized by trans-rights radicals.

Smith recently announced her government would place restrictions on youth changing their names or pronouns at school, as well as on hormone treatment and surgery for gender affirmation.

Left-wing media outlets, including the Toronto Star, were quick to demonstrate their outrage. An opinion piece by columnist Gillian Steward accused Smith of “following orders from her most extreme supporters.”

Publicly shaming people in order to impress your own crowd is the kind of game schoolyard bullies play.

Terrorize the defenceless. Isolate them. And hope they slink away so you can look like a hero and remain the head of the pack.

That’s the strategy Alberta premier Danielle Smith appeared to be using when she recently rolled out proposals banning certain medical treatments for transgender youth, even though their parents and medical experts approve.

And like Saskatchewan and New Brunswick, she also wants to compel teachers to out students to their parents, even if the teacher suspects those parents will turn on their child.

Smith is playing to the most extreme wing of the UCP party, which is due for a leadership review in November. It’s called Take Back Alberta (TBA) and its leader, David Parker, is a religious zealot who wants to remove any reference to sexuality in schools.

Read the full article by Gillian Steward of the Toronto Star here.

Smith has been in the crosshairs of the left-wing media since replacing former UCP leader Jason Kenney. Toronto 99 previously reported on how both left-wing and right-wing media outlets relentlessly attacked Smith in the lead-up to the 2023 Alberta election.

The attacks ultimately proved futile, and Smith was elected premier of the province. Her political rival Rachel Notley recently resigned from her position as the leader of the Alberta NDP.

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