Toronto Star GASLIGHTS public about Pierre Poilievre statement

Trudeau’s media apparatus is working on overtime to discredit his political rival.

On Feb. 16, 2024 Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died in a Russian prison. Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre responded by saying that “Conservatives condemn Putin for his death.”

While Poilievre’s condemnation of Putin for Navalny’s suspicious death was enough for most people, it wasn’t enough for Toronto Star columnist Bruce Arthur.

Arthur responded to Poilievre’s statement with a hitpiece titled: Where was Pierre Poilievre’s outrage at Putin?

On Friday, Navalny, the most significant opposition politician in Russia, apparently fell ill after a walk, lost consciousness almost immediately, and died. He was 47. His death was a choice, just as Russia’s war in Ukraine was and is a choice.

Vladimir Putin saw to it that Navalny died without ever saying his name in public. Nobody was surprised.

And amid the international condemnation, in Canada, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivered a statement so dishwater grey, so thin and colourless and frankly strange, that it stood out.

It appears that the left-wing media, specifically columnists at the Toronto Star, are willing to condemn and demonize Poilievre no matter what he does or says.

Poilievre did, in fact, condemn Putin for Navalny’s death. This is in spite of the fact some conservatives have warmed up to Putin in recent years.

It seems that Arthur wanted Poilievre to make a series of tweets and statements regarding the incident, when his one post to X (Twitter) was sufficient.

Some X users described the article as “slanderous trash” and “garbage political commentary.” The left-wing media has a long history of demonizing and slandering Poilievre, as was previously reported by Toronto 99.

NOTE: This article contains the author’s opinion. Read more about our editorial standards.

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